The paper entitled: "Mobile and Personal Speech Assistant for the Recognition of Disordered Speech" by Agnieszka Bętkowska Cavalcante and Monika Grajzer


was presented at the SPWID 2016 conference: The Second International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices, in Valencia, Spain, 22 May 2016


...and received the Best Paper Award:)



Recently, Assistive Technologies tend to exploit speech-based interfaces as a means of communication between humans and machines. While they perform very well for normal speech, their efficacy is very limited for people suffering from a variety of speech disorders. Moreover, in the systems targeted for disordered speech, the recognition performance is highly diminished by the environmental factors related to the disease. This limits the practical applicability of these solutions. To overcome this problem, we propose a Mobile and Personal Speech Assistant (mPASS) – a platform providing the users with a set of tools, which enable to intuitively create their own speech recognition system corresponding to their needs and capabilities. Our long term vision is that handicapped users, without computer science and artificial intelligence knowledge, will use this platform to design at home their own speech recognition system, tailored to the domain, vocabulary, and language they find most useful. As a result, a personalized speech recognizer will be created, which can be used with diversified speech-based applications. 



Read more about the conference here

You can download the paper below.