Gido Labs team is always craving more knowledge and expanded expertise!


We know how important it is to understand true needs of our potential clients.

In order to be able to offer easy-to-use solutions, corresponding exactly to the needs of our Clients, in December, Gido Labs team participated in the User Experience workshop. The workshop, hosted by the absolute experts in the field in Wielkopolska Voivodeship, turned out to be very interesting and enriching. We have already started to incorpote the knowledge we have gained into the mPASS platform dvelopment process.



Agnieszka Bętkowska-Cavalcante, the founder and Board Member at GidoLabs, was interviewed by the INNPoland magazine.


Dr. Bętkowska-Cavalcante is the third scientist interviewed for the "Millionairs of Polish Science" collumn, presenting achievements of the most prominent Polish scientists, awarded at the LIDER program by the Polish National Center for Research and Development.

In the interview, dr. Bętkowska-Cavalcante talks about the greatest inspirations for her work, impact of the international career on her current job and perspectives for the mPASS project. 

Read the full interview (Polish only):


GidoLabs presents at the 7th Language and Technology Conference in Poznań, Poland

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Agnieszka Bętkowska Cavalcante and Jan Felcyn presented their scientific papers on the 27th November 2015 during the 7th Language and Technology Conference in Poznań, Poland. The two presentations: "Automatic differentiation between normal and disordered speech" and "Use case: a mobile speech assistant for people with speech disorders" received a great interest from other conference participants.

Read more about the conference here

You can download presentations for this conference below.

mPASS online platform is launched!

mPASS platform screenshot


The mPASS online platform allows to create automatic speech recognition systems by the users with disordered speech (it is available at By means of this web-based framework each user can create a speech recognition system tailored to his/her needs and capabilities. It can be later on easily ported to a supported mobile application. 

Read more about the platform here and about mobile apps we've created here.


If you are interested in using the platform, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gido Labs received the Best Paper Award at the SPWID 2016 conference in Valencia, Spain.

spwid2016 bestPaperAward

Our paper "Mobile and Personal Speech Assistant for the Recognition of Disordered Speech" received the Best Paper Award at the 2nd International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices (SPWID 2016). The award was given based on the judgement of both - the paper content and the presentation given at the conference. They were both received with high interest from the audience:)

Read more about the conference here

You can download presentations for this conference below.